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When should you complete your train the trainer refresher course?

20 September 2022

When it comes to training, we’re firm believers that it takes continued education and development to keep the workplace and the workers within as safe as they should be. That’s why in addition to being well known for the delivery of quality, fully accredited, industry approved train the trainer courses, we provide refresher programmes to all our trainers.

But how often should you complete refresher training? And what are the benefits of enrolling on train the trainer refresher courses on a regular basis? In this blog post, we answer these all-important questions.


Why are train the trainer refresher courses important?

Enrolling on a train the trainer course is just the beginning. Completing refresher training regularly will ensure you stay up-to-date with the latest knowledge and skills that enable you to preserve workplace safety to the highest standard.

By having access to the most current information, guidance and support, you will be better informed and positioned to deliver training to your colleagues.


How often should I complete refresher training?

As a rule of thumb, we recommend that our trainers complete a refresher programme every three years to ensure they can continue to develop professionally and deliver the best training in-house. You may have to complete a train the trainer refresher course earlier if there have been developments in the safety procedures required within your particular industry sector or changes to associated legislation.


What are the benefits of completing a course with NTS?

When finding a provider for your train the trainer refresher course, National Training Services (NTS) should be your first choice.

We provide refresher courses across a wide range of areas to ensure all trainers have access to the up-to-date knowledge and support they need. As well as receiving the necessary training, you’ll be given updated course materials to help you deliver your training. Post-course support is also provided as standard to all trainers, along with updated National Training Services registration and certification.

Our train the trainer refresher courses are affordable and highly accessible, taking just a single day to complete so you can get on with the business of training.


I completed my training elsewhere, can I enrol?

Our train the trainer refresher courses are available to all trainers who have completed their original training with us. If you completed your train the trainer programme with another provider, you will have to attend a full, 2-day training course.

Find out more about our train the trainer refresher courses today.


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